2025 FAQ Form - Have questions about the 2025 Case or Rules? You will soon be able to ask the questions here. Write them down so you don't forget.
2025 FAQ Answers - Available in January 2025.
2024 MJP Welcome Webinar(passcode sRjuyQ)- Held by your 2025 Chief Justices to introduce teams to MJP and the case!
Team Quick Start Guide - Written by advisor Traci Hopper. Check out this information to help your team get started!
Quizlet.com - Create flashcards to help your students/team mates learn the rules of the program. This is also helpful for assisting in learning objections.
Theory, Theme & Objections - A guide on how to determine a theory and theme for your case, along with how best to utilize objections by alumnus Mason Morse.
MJP Educational Guide - This guide contains training information on cross examinations, direct examinations, opening statements, closing statements, theory, etc.
Lesson Plans - Check out these mock trial lesson plans to help students work on different parts of the case and practice.
Trial By Combat - Check out Drexel University's Trial by Combat videos to help gain some perspective on what mock trial looks like. Recommended by alumni and college mock trial member Mason Morse.
2021 MJP Finals - An excellent example of what a mock trial round looks like at MYIG!
Jury Selection Information - Students will participate in jury selection during the conference. It is a good idea for all MJP students to review this information detailing what jury selection is before arrival.
Want to contribute a resource to share? Email staff@myig.org!