Model Judiciary Program
YMCA Michigan Youth in Government's MJP program is a Mock Trial competition that takes place as part of a larger state wide youth leadership event to lift up youth voices, further democratic principles and further the YMCA core values of Caring, Honesty, Inclusion, Respect and Responsibility.
YMCA MYIG Mock Trials are styled as jury trials and teams on 4-6 students will be scored on each portion of the trial including: opening statement, direct examination, cross examination, closing argument, evidentiary issues and demeanor/procedure. Teams must be prepared to argue both sides of the case, prosecution and defense.
In each courtroom, there will be a presiding judge who will run proceedings and rule on objections. There will also be a scoring judge who listens to the proceedings and scores accordingly. At the end of the trial, the judges will provide constructive feedback to each of the teams.
Check out MJP resources and case materials here!
Additionally, students will participate in jury selection during the conference. Students will create juror profiles, and some will be chosen to sit as the jury for MJP finals. What is jury selection? Check out more information here!
Volunteer Judges Needed! YMCA Michigan Youth in Government's Mock Trial program is made possible by volunteers from the legal community. If you are interested in volunteering to be a presiding or scoring judge at the 2025 YMCA Michigan Youth in Government Mock Trial Competitions, please sign up today! We could not provide this opportunity to our students without the generosity of volunteers like you. | Student Judge Opportunity In 2024, we will be premiered our student judge opportunity. Juniors and seniors who have had competed in at least one year of YMCA MYIG's MJP program may sign up. Student Judges will be led by the Chief Judge (a student appointed at spring conference the previous year). They will act as the presiding judge during mock trial rounds and may not compete as part of a team from their delegation. They will judge alongside a scoring or evaluating judge, which is a volunteer from the legal community. This is a great opportunity and responsibility, and students who are appointed must know the case packet and the rules packet (especially objections) well.
Helpful Videos
Quick Start Guide